Monday, 22 February 2010


I have mixed feelings on tattoos. If they're done right, i fucking love them, but sometimes they can can be awful.
If it suits the guy it can be a huge turn on for me, i love nice sleeves.
Personally i have 1 tattoo. I have a star on my wrist, i got it done when i was 17, and i always hear that it's so cliché but it has a lot of meaning behind it.
My cousins and I all got it done when my uncle passed away 4 years ago, he had the same tattoo on his wrist.
I want another one, I've wanted a particular tattoo for awhile now, so i think I'm pretty sure I'm set on it. I'm not religious in any way, but my mum has always been very interested in Buddhism, and the tattoo i want has a small connection to this.
I think everyone has different preferences for tattoos, some hate them, some love them, i think most are probably somewhere in the middle like me.
What do you think about tattoos?


joseph said...

personally, i love tattoos, and have several. all are religious oriented (eastern orthodox) in some way or another. they're kinda scattered, not in any set place, but where i felt they needed to be. (my profile pic is a bit old.) i try not to judge what anyone has, tattoo wise, because who knows the meaning behind why they got them, such as yours.

but i do see lots of guys and gals with tats, and they're just so out of character, like when some guys wear earrings, or whatever. not everyone "fits" certain things. i have been told that mine fit me, my personality, how i live my life.

Anonymous said...

That first guy---holy shit!!!

Lust For Life said...

Joseph-sounds like you're on the same page as me :)

Michael-I'm glad you approve.